The Independent Commission on Banking, being headed up by Sir John Vickers, is delivering its interim report today. The commission is due to report back in full by September, but as is the way, in the meantime it's giving us some titbits to go on. You can see some comment here from FT Alphaville - they'll be commenting more later.
If you are interested in the Financial Crisis and its aftermath, and interested in what will happen to the banks (who isn't?), and want to be somewhat informed, then having a read of all this will help you. It will certainly help you as you revise and think about what we talked about in week 7 on Money and Interest Rates, and also as you think about money markets more generally (feeding into the LM curve in the IS-LM model).
Highly recommended stuff...
James, started a blog a few weeks back based on Economics, Politics and Religion. Hope it's of interest.