Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blogging on econ101b

Students taking econ101b, Principles of Macroeconomics, are about to discover the method that they are being assessed (formatively - so not counting towards final grade but helping to show how you're getting on with the course) is changing this current term.

Instead of submitting an essay at some point during the term, as was the format last term for econ101a (and also for econ101b in previous years), this term you're expected to write blog posts for each assignment for each class.

Why would you want to bother to do this? Well, those of you that blog will already be aware that blogging is a very good way of helping you collect your thoughts and structuring them in a way that makes sense and is readable/understandable. This is a hugely important skill as you work your way through not just your degree but also your university life and after that - when you get a job.

A blog is public so once you've written something, there's no hiding! But it's better to dwell on the more positive - a blog is a form of presentation, and we're trying to encourage you to develop your presentational skills as you progress through your degree.

Additionally, writing a blog article will help you prepare for each class, where the assignment you blogged on will be discussed. You can start from what you wrote in your blog and develop your arguments further, and see if you're able to combat the arguments put forward by others. You'll be able to comment on the blogs of others in your class, and they will (hopefully!) comment on yours, so that an online as well as real discussion takes place regarding the various things we're going to be covering in econ101b this coming term.

So all in all, while you don't need to take part in this (you can of course just not bother) - it will be for your huge benefit if you do contribute, and hopefully it'll also be great fun too!

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